Friday, November 12, 2010
Hope Chapel Band Plays Seaside Convention!
We had our first Major Road Gig last week as members of the Hope Chapel Band travelled to Seaside, Oregon to play some music for the Annual LC-MS NW District 
Teacher Convention. We Rocked the House with some great opening Music as we played for the Wednesday night worship service. We did some early morning tunes for Devotions on Thursday, then had the day to explore Seaside and Cannon Beach at the beautiful Oregon Coast. The weather was Sunny and Warm (in NOVEMBER!!), then we finished off our service to the Convention with some Dinner Music at the Thursday night Banquet, and another Devotion Friday morning, before heading back north into the
rains of Seattle. The Chapel Band did a GREAT JOB representing Hope Church
and School, and wants to thank Chaperone Mom Alexandria Melchior for making the trip with us, and cooking up two super-cool breakfasts! You ROCK, Mrs. M!
NOT-Halloween Lock-In ROCKS!!
A team of 8 Leaders and 50 of their closest Youth Friends gathered at Hope on Friday night,
October 29, for a 12-hour rush of activities, games, food, bowling, eggs, music, movies, and worship! The annual NOT-Halloween Lock-In kicked off with tons of people and some great get-acquainted activities. Once everyone had arrived we moved to the Sanctuary for an opening WORSHIP lead by our own Chapel Band, and a spirit-filled Message from leader Abaigh Vickers. From there, we re-grouped, got everybody into a small group with a designated leader then towed the whole crowd to the local Ball & Pin Alley for some late night BOWLING! (Gotta Love those Bowling Shoes!)
Back at the Church afterwards we chowed on some great snacks,
played some more CRAZY GAMES (like "Pot-Heads") then launched into the Once-a-Year Traditional Spook-Day competition, Egg-Roulette (You have to see it to understand it - trust me). 18 Brave souls entered the competition Grid, and after a bunch of Yolk Shampoos we crowned this year's Champion. Once we got everybody cleaned up, we went up to the Sanctuary where the Chapel Band and friends lead us all in another wee hour worship, with another inspired Bible-based message from Leader Abaigh Vickers.
The final hours were a mix of hanging out, dodge ball, movies, snacks, games, and a few smart
Lock-in goers who actually got a couple hours of SLEEP! We capped it all off with a hot and hearty breakfast cooked by our friend Dave DeSiga, then everybody headed home to get some REST! Be sure to check out upcoming Youth Events at Hope for more great times together!
Hope Youth Serve Seattle Youth
A team of Hope Youth and Adults spent Wednesday night, Oct. 20, cooking and serving a Hot Meal to over 50 Homeless Youth from the Streets of Seattle at the YouthCare Orion Center! We had volunteers make big pots of Chili, brought Salad along, and baked fresh biscuits in the Orion Center Kitchen in preparation for serving the meal. This experience will become a monthly service event for our Hope High School Youth Group. We can take a maximum of 10 Youth and Adults each month, and you have to be at least 16 years
old to participate. To sign up, watch for announcements in the Church Bulletin, in the Church Newsletter, and on this BLOG. Then call, text or email DCE Jeff Kranich or Gwen Fraser to get your name on the list. When all the spots are filled you'll have to wait until next month to sign on, so get your name in EARLY!
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