Friday, November 12, 2010
Hope Chapel Band Plays Seaside Convention!
We had our first Major Road Gig last week as members of the Hope Chapel Band travelled to Seaside, Oregon to play some music for the Annual LC-MS NW District 
Teacher Convention. We Rocked the House with some great opening Music as we played for the Wednesday night worship service. We did some early morning tunes for Devotions on Thursday, then had the day to explore Seaside and Cannon Beach at the beautiful Oregon Coast. The weather was Sunny and Warm (in NOVEMBER!!), then we finished off our service to the Convention with some Dinner Music at the Thursday night Banquet, and another Devotion Friday morning, before heading back north into the
rains of Seattle. The Chapel Band did a GREAT JOB representing Hope Church
and School, and wants to thank Chaperone Mom Alexandria Melchior for making the trip with us, and cooking up two super-cool breakfasts! You ROCK, Mrs. M!
NOT-Halloween Lock-In ROCKS!!
A team of 8 Leaders and 50 of their closest Youth Friends gathered at Hope on Friday night,
October 29, for a 12-hour rush of activities, games, food, bowling, eggs, music, movies, and worship! The annual NOT-Halloween Lock-In kicked off with tons of people and some great get-acquainted activities. Once everyone had arrived we moved to the Sanctuary for an opening WORSHIP lead by our own Chapel Band, and a spirit-filled Message from leader Abaigh Vickers. From there, we re-grouped, got everybody into a small group with a designated leader then towed the whole crowd to the local Ball & Pin Alley for some late night BOWLING! (Gotta Love those Bowling Shoes!)
Back at the Church afterwards we chowed on some great snacks,
played some more CRAZY GAMES (like "Pot-Heads") then launched into the Once-a-Year Traditional Spook-Day competition, Egg-Roulette (You have to see it to understand it - trust me). 18 Brave souls entered the competition Grid, and after a bunch of Yolk Shampoos we crowned this year's Champion. Once we got everybody cleaned up, we went up to the Sanctuary where the Chapel Band and friends lead us all in another wee hour worship, with another inspired Bible-based message from Leader Abaigh Vickers.
The final hours were a mix of hanging out, dodge ball, movies, snacks, games, and a few smart
Lock-in goers who actually got a couple hours of SLEEP! We capped it all off with a hot and hearty breakfast cooked by our friend Dave DeSiga, then everybody headed home to get some REST! Be sure to check out upcoming Youth Events at Hope for more great times together!
Hope Youth Serve Seattle Youth
A team of Hope Youth and Adults spent Wednesday night, Oct. 20, cooking and serving a Hot Meal to over 50 Homeless Youth from the Streets of Seattle at the YouthCare Orion Center! We had volunteers make big pots of Chili, brought Salad along, and baked fresh biscuits in the Orion Center Kitchen in preparation for serving the meal. This experience will become a monthly service event for our Hope High School Youth Group. We can take a maximum of 10 Youth and Adults each month, and you have to be at least 16 years
old to participate. To sign up, watch for announcements in the Church Bulletin, in the Church Newsletter, and on this BLOG. Then call, text or email DCE Jeff Kranich or Gwen Fraser to get your name on the list. When all the spots are filled you'll have to wait until next month to sign on, so get your name in EARLY!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Mission Team Returns!!

20 of us just returned recently from our annual Summer Mission Trip to New Orleans, we worked on two houses damaged by hurricanes and spent some great time at an inner-city school and day camp. We learned how to install a laminate wood floor, how to lay ceramic tile, used our drywall and texturing skills on various walls and rooms, found out first-hand how many cockroaches and lizards could live in a pile of debris left over from the storms, and were able to share the love of Jesus with several families and a bunch of little kids that really needed some care and attention.
We stayed at "Camp Restore", a Church converted to a Volunteer Camp for workers who come from all over the United States to help. Retired Volunteer Contracters organize the work and materials, then they match groups to jobs and little by little homes are rebuilt and restored so that the families can move back in after being displaced - sometimes for years!
At the end of each day we had time to reflect and debrief the experiences we had, and spend some time listening to God's Word on what we were doing for those we served. We also had time at the end of our week to get a tour of the city and see how much damage still remains even after 5 years of rebuilding. We saw some live Gators, sampled Beignets and Cafe au lait, ate Po-Boys from a local sandwich shop, decided Winn-Dixie was one of our favorite stores, met a couple of real live Cajuns, and helped out the local economy at several souvenir shops in the French Quarter.
Thanks to Hope Congregation for your unwavering support through all of our Fund-Raising and preparations. We look forward to sharing some pictures and stories with you this Sunday, July 11, at both worship services to let you know how this trip impacted those we served, and we who served, in Jesus' name!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ryan is a Pirate!!

Our own Ryan Wiggins - a standout High School ball player - was recently drafted in the 46th Round by the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team!! Needless to say, parents Bret and Judy are ecstatic, and looking forward to see where this road takes their eldest son!! Congratulations, Ryan!!
Pittsburgh Pirates 2010 Draft Selections
Name Pos B/T Ht Wt DOB Round Pick # Signed
Ryan Wiggins C R / R 6' 1" 200 04/06/1992 46 1377 Unsigned
Ryan Wiggins C R / R 6' 1" 200 04/06/1992 46 1377 Unsigned
Sunday, June 6, 2010
To Save a Life Comes to Hope!

Life in High School can be a blast, and it can be devestating. Often it is a combination of both. How we treat each other and the choices we make in labeling or judging those around us can have serious and sometimes permanent consequences.
If you want out of the vicious cycle of popularity-seeking and trying to live up to everyone's expectations, come and find a new view of yourself through God's eyes. Come and watch a powerful movie for parents and teens called "To Save a Life".
On Tuesday, June 15, 6:00pm at Hope Lutheran Church we will show the film for a Parent audience so that you can see the message for yourself, and decide if you think it would be important for your teen and your friends teens to see this film. A light dinner will be provided, and we will follow the film with a brief discussion, ending the evening at 8:30pm
On Wednesday, June 23, 6:00pm again with a light dinner and post-film discussion, we will show the film for as many teens as we can gather.
We hope that you will join us for this vital event. It can literally change lives! If youhve any questions or want more information please contact DCE Jeff Kranich at or 206-227-2730.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Haley Wins Humanitarian Award!!

Congratulations to our own Haley Peterson, West Seattle High School Junior, Hope member, Youth Grouper, Mission Team Member, and recent recipient of the "2010 Block Award" for Conduct and Humanitarianism at a banquet hosted by the Seattle Chapter of the American Jewish Committee's Student Human Relations Program!!
Haley cited her involvement in Hope Lutheran Mission Trips as impactful to her understanding of human need in other parts of the country, and other parts of the world. She has accompanied Hope on trips to Mexico and New Orleans, and is a member of the current Team training to return to New Orleans this summer to continue the work of rebuilding homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Haley mentioned loving kids in Mexico, and painting and scraping floors as part of her work in New Orleans, here are photos to prove it!
We're PROUD of you, Haley! And so is the God in whose name you serve! Way to REPRESENT!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Hope Helps Harvest!

Hope's Youth Group travelled last night to the Kent Warehouse of NW Harvest Food Bank to sort and package food for distribution to homeless families in Seattle. I was surprised by the scope of the operation as we entered a HUGE warehouse stacked with pallettes full of TONS of donations from a variety of sources. We got a quick orientation to the facility and their work, washed our hands thoroughly in preparation for handling food, put on some plastic gloves to protect our hands, and went to work unloading and sorting several pallattes of donations from a recent Food Show. We ran across several exotic containters of delicacies many of us had never heard of, and we got a chance to sample some pure Ecuadorian Chocolate!
After the job was done those who needed them were given community service hours by the NW Harvest coordinator, then we headed back to Hope for pizza and to discuss the experience. We wrapped up with a devotion based on James 2:14-17. Some key lines in that scripture are...
"What good is it to SAY you have faith, when you don't do anything to SHOW that you really DO have faith?" and "If you know someone who doesn't have any clothes or food, you shouldn't just say 'I hope all goes well with you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat.' What good is it to SAY this unless you DO SOMETHING to HELP??"
Last night we took the time to actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of those people who will receive the gifts we processed. Their lives will be better because we were willing to listen to the God who encourages us to not just TALK faith, but to LIVE IT OUT by the things we do for others. We plan to return to NW Harvest, and other Community Service organizations, on a monthly basis with our Youth Group. Watch for the next opportunity to put your FAITH into ACTION, and come SERVE WITH US!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
"Gospel Journey" Youth Bible Study Continues Sunday Mornings at 9:15am

We gather in the Youth Room at Hope Lutheran on Sunday mornings 9:15-10:15am for donuts and OJ, have a short sharing activity, then watch the next video segment in the reality-TV type Bible Study called "The Gospel Journey". The story is about 7 teens from very different faith backgrounds (Presbyterian, Athiest, Episcopalian, Pastor's kid, City Girl, Wiccan, Agnostic) who hang out in the Rockies for some extreme outdoor adventures (white water rafting, rock-climbing) and talk about 10 BIG QUESTIONS people have about God and the world (like "how do you know God is real?", "how did we get here?", "what happens after you die?"). High School and Middle School watch together, then we diverge into separate groups for discussion with a leader.
The people on the screen are real people, like you, and they are searching for answers, like you. Come and be a part of the conversation through May. See what God has to say to you!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Rummage Sale Benefits Katrina Mission Team!

Come and check out the selection at our HUGE RUMMAGE SALE this Saturday, May 8, 8am-3pm in the Lower Parking Lot at Hope Lutheran!! We have all kinds of treasures to choose from, and loads of furniture!! Thrivent will match funds raised up to $800 (at 50 cents on a dollar) so that means if we can raise at least $1600 they will give us an additional $800 to help get our Team to New Orleans to repair homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina! Come early to find the best deals, and support our Team!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Mission Team Learns Drywall!!
With the expert help of Professional Contracter and Dad, Wayne Machmiller, the Mission Team was introduced to the world of Framing and Drywall. We now know how to put an inside wall together from the studs up, and how to cut, attach, tape, mud and finish drywall. THANKS WAYNE!! Check out the intense Construction Photos!! (Wait - are those POWER Tools?)
Monday, April 26, 2010
3-5 Merge Snoqualmie Falling!
3rd-5th Grade Merge Youth Group took a chance on the weather and trekked to Snoqualmie Falls last Saturday for a great Hike!
The WaterFall was FULL and the Sun was OUT! Plus we devoted about how God can be seen in the things that He has made (Romans 1:19-20) for those who care to look. We finished with a Snoqualmie Ice Cream stop complete with a real TRAIN!!
All in all it was a glorious trip - plan to join us next time! Thanks to Rob & Carol Christian and to Derek DeSiga, one of our intrepid LITs (Leader in Training) for helping to chaperone this crazy crew.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Summer Mission Team Bonds on Boards!
Hey y'all - Our Summer Mission Team is in full swing, training for our time in New Orleans this June/July! To be on a Mission Team is ALL about learning to work together to accomplish a goal. We can all do more together as a TEAM than any ONE of us could ever do on our own. So part of our training over the next three months includes experiences that teach us how to work together, communicate, and cooperate. when it works, it's beautiful. When it doesn't, it's kind of a train wreck. Check out these videos from last Sunday to see what I mean! And remember God's encouragements from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12 and from 1 Corinthians 12...
"It's better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, but if there's no one to help, tough! By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped.
A body isn't just a single part blown up into something huge. It's all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together. As it is, we see that God has carefully placed each part of the body right where he wanted it.
"It's better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, but if there's no one to help, tough! By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped.
A body isn't just a single part blown up into something huge. It's all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together. As it is, we see that God has carefully placed each part of the body right where he wanted it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Middle School Ice Skating This Sunday March 21!
We meet in front of Hope Church at 1:00pm this Sunday, March 21, to bus it to a local skating rink for some fast moves on ice!! Bring warm clothes and $10 for admission and skate rental. Extra $$ for snacks is optional. We return to Hope at 4:00pm. Bring ALL your friends and let's chill out!!
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